Welcome to my portfolio, all the things I like to do and to make, pots, lettering, arranging flowers, bookbinding, gardening.

I enjoy making teapots, and I enjoy using teapots; a small one for myself, a larger one when making tea for friends and family. The sound the lid makes when placed on the teapot, the steam rising as the hot water is poured in, the sound of the tea being poured, these are pleasures.

Each thought

a drop of tea

life is a teapot

Scattered memories by Thich Glac Thanh

Abbot of Deer Park Monastery

When throwing pots, I prefer to work quietly, listen to bird song or to silence.

In the Spring and Summer, I grow flowers and make vases and containers to arrange them in.

Sometimes a haiku leads to a piece of calligraphy, and then to a concertina book to put it in, and then to a match- box to keep it in.

Beachcombing; I come home with treasures from the seashore, to add to my nature table, a shell, drift wood, a pebble, a feather. I make pebbles, they are thrown on the wheel and then shaped, l take them down to the beach, to give something back.

I see that making pots, lettering, bookbinding, tending the garden, are all meditations.

Thank you for visiting me here.